MeetingBaasMeeting Baas
Getting Started

Set Up

Set up your development environment for Speaking Bots


0. Clone Repository

If you haven't already, clone the repository and navigate to it:

git clone
cd speaking-meeting-bot

1. Prerequisites

Install ngrok on your machine if you don't have it already. Follow our Ngrok Setup Guide for a quickstart.

2. Set Up Poetry Environment

# Install Poetry (Unix/macOS)
curl -sSL | python3 -
# Install Poetry (Windows)
(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -UseBasicParsing).Content | py -
# Install dependencies
poetry install
# Activate virtual environment
poetry shell

3. Compile Protocol Buffers

poetry run python -m grpc_tools.protoc --proto_path=./protobufs --python_out=./protobufs frames.proto

Protocol Buffers are used here by Pipecat to define a structured message format for real-time communication between components of the Speaking Bots system. Specifically, the frames.proto file defines three main message types:

  1. TextFrame: For handling text-based messages
  2. AudioRawFrame: For managing raw audio data with properties like sample rate and channels
  3. TranscriptionFrame: For handling speech-to-text transcription results

Protocol Buffers is the backbone of consistent data serialization across services. Read more in the official Protocol Buffer documentation and this Python Protocol Buffers tutorial.

4. Configure Environment

Set up environment variables by following our Environment Variables Guide. This will walk you through setting up the required API keys for core functionality and optional features.

5. Run your first bot

poetry run python scripts/ -c 1 --meeting-url LINK

Follow our Command Line Guide for more examples and options.

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